Welcome to The Kajuen Ryu -
The Orchard School of Martial Arts
As with most martial arts that lay claim to fitting in with Japanese methods we have a coloured-belt grading system.
As an overview, it looks like this this:
We have several disciplines and they each follow this with some variation although the order is always the same. Some of our disciplines don't have junior students so no junior grades. In Kempo Jujitsu 1st kyu is changed to brown belt with a red stripe. Some of the disciplines don't have Shodan Ho. Aikido doesn't use stripes at all including to represent black belt grades. Combat Jujitsu doesn't have any grades but uses stripes to show years of training.
This image shows the "kyudan" system of "kyu grades" which are coloured belts with descending order numbers and "dan grades" which are black black belts with ascending order numbers.
We also have "honorifics" which are titles reserved for adult instructors and these have different belts.