Welcome to The Kajuen Ryu -
The Orchard School of Martial Arts
The Correct Attire for Training in Combat Jujitsu
This section describes our accepted attire for practicing Combat Jujitsu. The traditional suit worn by practitioners of Japanese Martial Arts is the dogi, also called the keikogi or uniform specific to style, e.g. Aikidogi, Karategi, Judogi etc. You may see it described simply as the “gi” but this is not correct.
First we must consider why we wear the dogi. It provides the following benefits:
Observing tradition. It helps us remember our roots
It enables us to display our school and our grade
It saves our day clothes from being damaged by being pulled about
It is harder-wearing than T-shirts or tracksuits
It preserves our dignity when we’re grappling
It promotes a sense of belonging to a group
Underneath the dogi ladies must wear something to protect their dignity. For men this is optional. We recommend rashguards.
Jacket and trousers may be of the type used in many Japanese martial arts such as Karate or Judo. It's up to you how light or how durable they are. We advise on Judo or Brazilian Jiujitsu style. You may prefer overhead or wraparound style. For competing you MUST have wraparound style. When the wraparound type is used, the left side always crosses over the right. This is for both men and ladies. There are practical and traditional reasons for this. Our badge goes on the left side. The trousers are secured closed with ties but not usually the jacket.
We use belts to display our time-in-training although we don't have grades for Combat Jujitsu. Belts are always worn on the outside of the dogi and tied using the reef knot (although you may see advanced members using more elaborate knots but they'll always be tidy and even.) The belt is crossed-over at the back but not twisted due to breakfalling onto it. Stripes on one end will show the number of years that students have been training in Kickboxing or Combat Jujitsu.
For footwear, straw sandals, zori, (or equivalent such as flip-flops) are recommended for off the mat. No outdoor footwear on the mats. Absolutely no socks unless you have a foot health problem or they are gripping socks for grappling.
We aren't concerned about colours of the dogi although competitions may dictate colours that are allowed.
And to consider safety, in addition to the above, the following are safety aspects:
Students, male and female, may like to wear groin guards
It is recommended that hair is tied back, but this is up to you
No metalwork in the hair
External piercings such as ears, nose, nipples and navels need to be removed or covered
No jewellery about the wrist including hair bands
No rings with stones
It is worth noting that there is no immediate pressure to purchase any of our clothing and that gradings are optional.